Interested in dream circle

Dear dreamers

I am inviting you to join one of my upcoming dream circles.
Dream circles are a wonderful way to explore the rich inner world of our dreams and gain deeper insights into ourselves, our lives and receive inspiration and motivation for the future.It’s a space where we can share our dreams, listen to others’ experiences, and explore the meanings and messages that our dreams hold.

I believe that dreaming is an important aspect of our lives and can help us connect with our subconscious mind and beyond.

It can be a powerful tool for personal growth, transformation and inspiration.

By sharing our dreams in a safe and supportive environment, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and our experiences.

I would be honored if you would join me for this special gathering.

I look forward to exploring the mysteries of the dream world with you.

What is a dream circle?Look here.

Please join our mailing list to get notified by a next online dream circle.

Or join a free Dream Group in telegram here:

Warm regards,
