Trees as dream symbols

The interpretation of seeing different types of trees in dreams can vary depending on the context of the dream and the cultural and personal associations of you, the dreamer. Here are some interpretations for common tree symbols in dreams. Yet, I want to emphasise that it is you who creates your own dream symbols. For…

The interpretation of seeing different types of trees in dreams can vary depending on the context of the dream and the cultural and personal associations of you, the dreamer. Here are some interpretations for common tree symbols in dreams. Yet, I want to emphasise that it is you who creates your own dream symbols. For example if you find redwoods or oak trees amazingly powerful trees then it is very likely that this is what they show up as in your dream world. In some traditions rowan trees are believed to bring good luck and in Estonia people used to plant them near their house for that reason but for example ash and poplar trees are considered to have rather negative energy. Also in ancient Estonian pagan dream tradition seeing church was considered a bad omen and same went for seeing vodka in dreams. Nowadays we live in the era of information and each one of us lives in their own bubble of symbols, which they can only truly understand only themselves when they see them showing up in the dream world.

  1. Oak tree: Oak trees are often associated with strength, stability, and endurance. Seeing an oak tree in your dream may suggest that you need to rely on your inner strength and resilience to overcome challenges in your waking life.
  2. Pine tree: Pine trees are often associated with longevity, wisdom, and protection. Seeing a pine tree in your dream may suggest that you need to be more grounded and focused in your thinking and actions.

    Me trying to hug a giant sequoia tree in Canada
  3. Willow tree: Willow trees are often associated with flexibility, intuition, and emotional healing. Seeing a willow tree in your dream may suggest that you need to be more open to your emotions and trust your intuition in your waking life.
  4. Apple tree: Apple trees are often associated with knowledge, fertility, and abundance. Seeing an apple tree in your dream may suggest that you need to seek out knowledge or new experiences to nourish and grow yourself.
  5. Cherry tree: Cherry trees are often associated with beauty, love, and the fleeting nature of life. Seeing a cherry tree in your dream may suggest that you need to cherish the beauty and love in your life while also being aware of the impermanence of things.
  6. Palm tree: Palm trees are often associated with relaxation, tropical environments, and success. Seeing a palm tree in your dream may suggest that you need to take a break and relax or that you are on the path to achieving success in your life.

What do trees mean to you?


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