Where do those birds come from?

Where do ideas come from? Where do my ideas come from that I paint? Where did those birds come from? I get asked this often and there is no short answer. Ideas come from different places, from different frequencies. Majority of my life I have lived by the sea or near a lake or river,…

Where do ideas come from? Where do my ideas come from that I paint? Where did those birds come from?

I get asked this often and there is no short answer. Ideas come from different places, from different frequencies.

Majority of my life I have lived by the sea or near a lake or river, where there are ususally many birds living. In waking life many birds have come to me in a vulnerable state. Injured, abandoned, lost. I usually try to help them as much as I can. Feed them or help them to transition gently. I have always been fascinated by birds. They are so beautiful and they have some abilities that I don´t have. They can fly. I can’t. Yes, with a plane but it is not the same. And in my dreams of course. This is where I first met some of those birds that I paint. Let me share one of those dreams with you that I saw years ago:

I recently started painting with natural materials I have found in my home and nearby in nature. I feel that this adds another dimension to my paintings and brings more nature to my home. I use sand, clay and ashes to paint with.

I went to sweep the chimney of my house to get some soot to use in my artworks. I also have added some subtle non material ingredients in diluted forms that might bring more natural vibes to your homes. I also try to use water from nearby lakes and sacred springs because I believe they have qualities that only can enhance the creative process and my artworks.

Dream about a giant swan.

“I saw in my dream that me and a few other people were in a community that was situated by the sea. There was a pier with a roof on it. The weather seemed to be getting stormy and I packed up our blankets and other things that I had left laying on the beach. We probably got to that beach by boats because we were surrounded by cliffs. Our little strip was quite sandy though. Wind was getting stronger and stronger. Waves were crushing loudly into the cliffs. Water levels were rising too. All of a sudden we heard a loud noise and saw a giant creature coming out of the water 2 miles from us. At first I thought that it is a creature similar to Loch Ness but it actually turned out to be a giant swan. It was nearly 100 meters tall and it came towards us very fast. Everybody was panicking. Those who couldn´t ran into the house hid themselves under the roof of the pier. The giant bird started to peck against the roof. The sound was as loud as thunder. I was scared but then I thought that maybe that bird is trying to ask for help and they had some sort of problem. I stepped out and looked the bird in the eyes. The bird moved their head towards me and all of a sudden I understood because I read the birds mind. Bird had a problem with their newborn child who was very weak. That was the real reason why the bird tried to get our attention. I told the bird that the little one needs some vitamins. She was very happy.The end of dream.

I get inspired by interacting with different people and I guess I do like to bring this feeling of togetherness into my paintings too because some studies suggest that loneliness can be as deadly as being a chain smoker. Often when I have felt that I am about to drift to this place of self-pity and self-judgment I start painting or drawing birds and they lift me up and take to a place inside of me that is made of unconditional love. I call it the universe of unconditional love. This is a frequency from which I can just view myself and the world around me from a different perspective. There are certainly many ways to get there but making art has been this way for me since I was a kid. I hope you get to experience this too through my paintings or some other gentle way.”

Meaning: Yet, I feel that a part of me longed for the emotionally nurturing at the time of seeing this dream. In the dream, this desire manifested as a need for vitamins.

A dream about turning into a hawk

“A few days ago, I dreamt that I had transformed myself into a hawk because I needed to cross an abyss that I couldn’t navigate with a human body. I am aware that birds are my power animals, and I know that my winged protective beings are always assisting me.”

Meaning: I believe this dream was my way of empowering myself to overcome the daily challenges I was facing at time.

Some of the bird paintings can be found here:https://watchyourowndreams.com/gallery/

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